planning scheme amendment

Amendment C114

Planning Scheme Amendment C114 applies to land within the North Sale Growth Area, which is bound by the existing Cobains Estate, Cobains Road, Sale to the west and Chinamans Lane to the east.
Amendment Status: 

Current Status

At the Ordinary meeting of 21 June 2022, Council resolved to seek Authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and formally exhibit Amendment C114.

Authorisation from the Minister for Planning was granted on 3 January 2023.

The Amendment was on public exhibition from 9 February 2023 to 12 March 2023.

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C114well to the Wellington Planning Scheme. The changes came into effect on Friday 23 June 2023.

What is Amendment C114?

Planning Scheme Amendment C114 applies to land within the North Sale Growth Area, which is bound by the existing Cobains Estate, Cobains Road, Sale to the west and Chinamans Lane to the east (see Figure 1 below). The Amendment rezoned the land from the Farming Zone (FZ) to the General Residential Zone - Schedule 1 (GRZ1). It also applied a new Development Plan Overlay - Schedule 13 (DPO13) to the land to support further residential subdivision in accordance with the ‘North Sale Development Plan (2018)’ (NSDP).

Figure 1: Land to be rezoned outlined in red.

Key changes

The Amendment has made the following key changes to the Wellington Planning Scheme:

  • Amends Clause 21.05-12 at ‘Application of policy, zones and overlays’, by deleting dot point five that references the possible rezoning to Commercial 2 Zone the subject land as ‘Urban Residential Expansion’;
  • Rezones the land from the FZ to the GRZ1;
  • Inserts a new Schedule (Schedule 13) to the Development Plan Overlay at Clause 43.04 to ensure new residential development occurs in accordance with the NSDP; and
  • Amends Planning Scheme Zone Maps to reflect the above changes.

The Amendment supports the coordinated delivery of much needed additional residential land in a long-established growth area of Sale and will facilitate the equitable and transparent delivery of key infrastructure items critical to supporting new development. The NSDP can be viewed using the following link:

Approved Amendment C114 documentation is available to view at the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) Website.

Further Information

For further information on this Amendment, please contact a member of the Strategic Planning Team on 1300 366 244.

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