
Customer Complaints

We strive to ensure that our complaint handling systems are effective, efficient and promote fairness, integrity, and respect of human rights.
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We strive to ensure that our complaint handling systems are effective, efficient and promote fairness, integrity, and respect of human rights.

If you are not satisfied with the standard of service provided, we encourage you to lodge a written complaint.

What is considered to be a Complaint?

We can help you with your complaint if it is regarding:

  • Processes: This relates to dissatisfaction with issues such as delays, service charges, or an agreed practice covered by a procedure.
  • Employees/Contractors: This relates to dissatisfaction with the behaviour of a council employee/contractor or a mistake by an employee.
  • Quality of Service: Generally related to the quality of the finished job, such as a service not being up to an expected standard.

Note: Typically, anonymous complaints will only be addressed if the issue is relatively serious and there is enough information to conduct an investigation. These complaints will be referred to the relevant Manager, who will determine if any further action is necessary.

To lodge a formal complaint, please complete the Customer Complaint Form.

What is not considered to be a Complaint?

A complaint does not include:

  • Reports of damaged, hazardous or faulty infrastructure (eg. Pot holes, Fallen trees etc.).
  • A request for works or services, eg. missed bin collection - unless it is a second request where there has been failure to take action after the request has been received, or the response was unsatisfactory.
  • An expression or feedback concerning the general direction or performance of the Council or its elected representatives.
  • Reports concerning an event, service or business for which we are not responsible.
  • The lodgement of an appeal or objection in accordance with a standard procedure or policy, eg. a development application approval.
  • A request for a review or waiver of a penalty infringement notice (PIN) issued under Council's Local Laws or other legislation is not deemed a complaint unless it is about the conduct of an officer issuing the PIN. All requests for a waiver or review are dealt with under a separate standard operating procedure.

To lodge a request, please complete the Customer Action Request Form.

Our Complaint Process and Timeframes

All complaints submitted to Council or through a Councillor will be taken seriously and in accordance with our Privacy policy and guidelines.

All complaints will be recorded in our records management system and directed to the appropriate Business Unit Manager for investigation.

In alignment with our Customer Service Charter, we will respond to your complaint within 10 workings days and aim to resolve your complaint within 28 days. If this is not possible due to the complexity of the complaint or due to circumstances outside our control, this will be explained to you.

Throughout the process, we may need to contact you to discuss your concerns or to ask for more information. Providing us with your current contact details will ensure that we provide you a response as soon as possible.

Once an outcome has been reached, a formal letter outlining Council's response will be provided to you. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your request you can lodge a complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman.

Complaints that will not be investigated

The Chief Executive Officer may determine that a complaint will not be investigated where:

  • The matter is considered frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith.
  • Involves a matter where an adequate remedy or right of appeal already exists, whether or not the complainant uses that remedy or right of appeal.
  • Relates to a decision of Council.
  • Relates to conduct before a court, coroner or tribunal.
  • Relates to a matter under investigation by the Minister for Local Government or any other government department including the Victorian Police Service.
  • Relates to the appointment or dismissal of any employee or an industrial or disciplinary issue.
  • Relates to a matter awaiting determination by the Council.
  • Relates to the actions or conduct of a private individual; unless it has an impact on council (we talk about personal conduct in the Employee Code of Conduct)
  • There is insufficient information available; or
  • The complainant declines or refuses to provide further information or where there are threats made against Council or council staff

Where the Chief Executive Officer determines that a complaint will not be investigated, the complainant will be advised accordingly in writing.

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