
Bushfire Management Overlay

The Bushfire Management Overlay triggers the need for a Planning Permit for certain developments and requires new developments to include appropriate bushfire protection measures.
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The State Government has previously made changes to the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) in the Wellington Shire (and elsewhere across Victoria) to ensure that bushfire risk is appropriately considered in the Planning Permit process.

The BMO triggers the need for a Planning Permit for certain developments and requires new developments to include appropriate bushfire protection measures.

To see if the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) applies to your property you can:

If you are affected, the generated report will inform you if land is affected by BMO, BMO Schedule 1, BMO Schedule 2 or BMO Schedule 3 which will determine the relevant Planning Permit Application process as outlined below.

Preset Requirements - BMO Schedules

For some areas in Wellington Shire, BMO Schedules (BMO1, BMO2 and BMO3) have been developed to provide fast-track Planning Permit requirements for dwellings. These areas are generally already subdivided and have a homogenous risk, which is well understood and can be addressed through pre-set Planning Permit requirements (such as water supply, construction standards, access requirements).

The table below lists the towns where fast-track Schedule requirements apply for dwellings.

If a Schedule applies to your property, visit the Single Dwellings in the BMO page on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website and follow the guidance for Single Dwellings in a BMO Schedule Fast Track Pathway.

The fast-track pathway will require you to download and complete a template Bushfire Management Plan. A Bushfire Management Plan Example may also assist.

The Bushfire Management Plan is mostly prefilled and only requires you to select the relevant canopy separation, Bushfire Attack Level (BAL), water supply and access specifications which are specified in the applicable schedule to the BMO.  Once completed, submit the BMP to Council along with your planning permit application to demonstrate that the requirements of the Schedule have been met.


Schedule: BMO1
Mapping: Maps 32-34
Summary of requirements for BMP: See Schedule

Golden Beach, Langsborough, Loch Sport, Paradise Beach, The Honeysuckles

Schedule: BMO2
Mapping: Map 208 (Langsborough), Map 185 (The Honeysuckles), Maps 167 - 170 (Golden Beach), Maps 171 - 173 (Paradise Beach), Maps 110 - 113 (Loch Sport)
Summary of requirements for BMP: Bushfire Attack Level 29; Canopy Separation - 2 metres; Water Supply; Access - Select relevant option from template based on driveway length

Briagolong, Coongulla, Glenmaggie, Port Albert

Schedule: BMO3
Mapping: Maps 28 and 29 (Briagolong), Map 35 (Coongulla / Glenmaggie), Map 209 (Port Albert)
Summary of requirements for BMP: Bushfire Attack Level 12.5; Canopy Separation - 2 metres; Water Supply; Access - Select relevant option from template based on driveway length

Standard BMO Requirements - No Schedule applies

If your property is not covered by a Schedule, different requirements apply. Please follow the links below to view information about the Permit Process and requirements for various types of development.

Single Dwellings

Single Dwellings outside Scheduled areas. Follow guidance for:

  • Pathway 1 if located in an urban zone or
  • Pathway 2 - all other locations

Further information is available on the Single Dwellings in the BMO page on the DELWP site.

Outbuildings, Sheds and Similar Works

Further information is available on the Outbuildings, sheds and similar works page on the DELWP site.


Further information is available on the Subdivision in the BMO page on the DELWP site.

Other Development (Units, Commercial, Retail)

Further information is available on the Other Development in the BMO page on the DELWP site.

Further Information

Some applications for Planning Permits under the BMO are generally referred to the CFA for advice. As such, you may wish to contact the Gippsland Regional Office of the CFA on (03) 5149 1000 to discuss your proposal.

It is noted that the Fire Protection Association Australia website has a list of accredited bushfire consultants. Other local consultants/specialists (e.g. Planning Consultants, Private Building Surveyors) will also be able to assist you.

Further detailed information and guidance about BMO requirements is located on the CFA and DELWP websites. Information on associated BMO clauses are located in the Wellington Planning Scheme.

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