
Applying for or Amending a Planning Permit

The Wellington Planning Scheme sets out controls which determine whether a Planning Permit is required for particular uses and/or buildings and works on any given property.
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The Wellington Planning Scheme sets out controls which determine whether a Planning Permit is required for particular uses and/or buildings and works on any given property.

In order to determine whether you require a Planning Permit, first ascertain the zoning of your property and whether there are any applicable overlays. To do this, please obtain a free Planning Property Report.

Once you have determined the zone and any overlays applicable to your land, you can contact Wellington Shire Council to discuss Planning Permit requirements, arrange a pre-application meeting or to request written advice, this can be submitted using a Planning Advice Request Form.

When a Planning Permit is required, there are two approval pathways:

  • Standard applications (Typically decided in 60 days)
  • VicSmart applications (Typically decided in 10 days and only for specified types of minor applications).  Further information about VicSmart applications is available from our VicSmart page.

Wellington Shire Council can assist you in determining if your application will be a standard or VicSmart application.

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Applying for or Amending a Planning Permit

To apply for a Planning Permit you will need to submit:

  • A completed Application for Planning Permit Form or Application to Amend a Planning Permit Form
  • Plans drawn to scale (Site plans, floor plans and elevation plans - Example Plans are here)
  • Written description of the proposal and a response to the relevant requirements of the Wellington Planning Scheme (e.g. Zones, any overlays and relevant policies)
  • A current copy of title including a Registered Search Statement and Copy of Plan (less than three months old). You can purchase a copy of title from the Landata website (See how to download a title here)
  • If your property is not connected to sewer, you may need a Land Capability Report. Please contact Council’s Environmental Health Department for further advice.
  • If your property is in the Bushfire Management Overlay, you may need a Bushfire Management Plan - See an example here.
  • The relevant fee (Please check with Wellington Shire Council's Planning Facilitator if you are unsure)

A Credit Card Payment Form can be emailed to with your completed Application Form and supporting documentation. It is preferred that all applications are emailed (no hard copies required if you lodge electronically).  If you elect to lodge the application in hard copy, you should provide one hard copy of all plans and associated documents.

Further information about applying for a planning permit is available via the Planning Permit Application Guide on the link below.

Planning Permit Process

The typical steps in the standard Planning Permit process are:

  • Acknowledgement letter sent confirming name and contact details of assessing planner
  • Assessing planner requests further information from the applicant (if needed)
  • Application is referred to any relevant authorities (e.g. EPA, Regional Roads Victoria etc)
  • Application is publicly advertised (if needed). Written instructions will be provided to the applicant to ensure that adjoining landowners and other interested parties are able to comment on any application which requires public advertising
  • If objections are received to an application, a consultation meeting will typically be conducted with Council, the permit applicant and any objector(s)
  • Council officers make a decision and provide all parties with a copy of the final decision.


  • When a party is unhappy with the decision which has been made, an appeal can typically be lodged at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
  • After a Planning Permit has been issued, it will also be necessary to obtain other relevant approvals including a Building Permit

Extending a Planning Permit

When an existing Planning Permit is still valid, it is possible to request an extension of time from Council to commence or complete a previously approved development.

Note that the following matters will be considered by Council in making a decision as to whether an extension of time should be granted.

  • Whether there has been a change of Planning Policy.
  • Whether the land owner is seeking to warehouse the Permit.
  • Any intervening circumstances which bear upon grant or refusal of the extension request.
  • The lapse of time between the permit and the request.
  • Whether the time limit imposed was adequate.
  • The economic burden imposed on the land owner by the permit.
  • The probability of a permit issuing should a fresh application be made.

An Application to extend a Planning Permit may be made by completing the Planning Permit Request for Extension of Time Form.

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