
School Zones and Crossings

Wellington Shire Council's School Crossing Supervisors coordinate and monitor School Crossings across the municipality to ensure the safety of pedestrians using the crossing.
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Most school zones in Victoria have a speed limit of 40km/h between the hours of 8.00am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4.00pm.

The 40km/h speed limit is clearly sign posted around school areas and you must ensure you obey the speed limit during school terms.

The 40km/h speed limit does not apply to school zones in school holidays or on weekends.

School Crossings

Wellington Shire Council currently operate 21 supervised school crossings across the municipality. There are also a number of unsupervised crossings that display crossing flags before and after school hours when children are likely to be crossing the road.

Motorists must observe road signs in school areas and obey the rules when driving near schools crossings.

Supervised School Crossings in Wellington Shire:

  • Patten Street, Sale
  • Macalister Street, Sale
  • Macalister Street (St. Patrick's), Sale
  • King George Avenue, Sale
  • Pearson Street, Sale
  • Guthridge Parade (Near Dawson Street), Sale
  • Dawson Street, Sale
  • York Street (Near Sale Radiators), Sale
  • Inglis Street, Sale
  • Raglan Street (Near McCole Street), Sale
  • Raglan Street (Near Guthridge Parade), Sale
  • Reeve Street, Sale
  • Macarthur Street, Sale
  • Guthridge Parade (Raglan Street), Sale
  • York Street (Police Station), Sale
  • Cunninghame Street, Sale
  • Commercial Road, Yarram
  • Temple Street, Heyfield
  • George Street, Heyfield
  • Church Street, Maffra
  • Prince Street, Rosedale (Between Wood Street and Mackay Street)

Using a School Crossing

When using a school crossing to cross the road, please follow the instructions of the Crossing Supervisor and cross the road in a safe manner.

  • Stand back from the roadside while waiting to cross the road.
  • Stop, look both ways, listen and think' when crossing at the road, particularly at unsupervised crossings.
  • Wait for the Crossing Supervisor to blow the whistle twice before crossing.
  • Walk quickly across the road in between the two white lines.
  • Do not run, ride a bike or skateboard or bounce a ball when crossing the road.
  • If the Crossing Supervisor blows the whistle once, you must stop immediately to avoid danger or to allow traffic to flow.

Driving in School Zones

If you drive near a school crossing during times when the school crossing flags are displayed there are rules of which you must obey.

Firstly, you must observe the 40km/h speed limit signs during the signposted times.

You must stop in front of the first white line and not allow any part of your vehicle to enter the school crossing when pedestrians are crossing or when the 'Stop' sign is displayed by the Crossing Supervisor.

While pedestrians and/or the Crossing Supervisor are still on any part of the crossing, you must stop and wait until the Supervisor or pedestrians are completely clear of the crossing before proceeding.

Parking Near Schools

Parking restrictions around schools, particularly at School Crossings when flags are displayed, must be observed at all times. Please familiarise yourself with parking arrangements around particular schools.

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