

Kindergarten is a program for young children delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher two years before children start school.
Wellington Shire Council does not manage or coordinate kindergarten programs. Kindergarten services are delivered by private and community-based Committees of Management and early years managers.
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Kindergarten is a program for young children delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher two years before children start school. Kindergarten is not compulsory but is strongly recommended for all children. Research shows that attending kindergarten improves a child’s health and wellbeing, helps them develop strong social skills such as building relationships, developing confidence, developing listening and sharing skills, and encourages a love of learning.

Starting age for Kindergarten

To find out when your child will begin kindergarten, please use the Starting Age Calendar below. Your child must turn 3-years-old before 30 April in the year they attend 3-year-old kindergarten and turn 4-years-old before 30 April in the year they attend 4-year-old kindergarten.

If you are unsure if your child is ready, speak to a Maternal and Child Health Nurse.

Early Start Kindergarten (ESK)

Early Start Kindergarten (ESK) provides up to 15 hours of free (or low cost) kindergarten to eligible three-year-old children in a program offered by a qualified teacher.

Children are eligible for ESK if they are 3-years-old by 30 April in the year they will be attending a kindergarten program, and;

  • The child is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander; or
  • The child is known to Child Protection, or
  • The child or parent/guardian has a refugee or asylum seeker background.

If you believe your child may be eligible for ESK, please discuss this with your preferred kindergarten provider.

More information about ESK is available on the Victorian Government Early Start Kindergarten page.

Kindergarten registration

Go to our How to Register for Kinder page for the Kindergarten Registration Form, Kindergarten Expression of Interest Form and other resources.

For any assistance, please phone our Early Years Team on 1300 366 244 or email

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