
Wellington Shire Community Profile

Discover Wellington Shire community demographic information by searching the online Community Profile and Social Atlas.
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The Wellington Shire Community Statistical Data tools provide demographic analysis for the municipality based on results from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census of Population and Housing.

The tools below are updated with population estimates when the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) releases new figures every five years.

Community Profile

Discover more about the demographics of Wellington Shire using the online Community Profile. This data is supplied by the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census and provides detailed social demographic information.

Social Atlas

The Social Atlas for Wellington Shire will provide more details on key socio-demographic characteristics through a collection of interactive maps. 

Each map is prepared using SA1s (Statistical Area Level 1), providing greater detail to help identify spatial patterns and trends in these areas.

Population Forecast

The Wellington Shire population and household forecasts present what is driving population change in the community and how the population, age structure and household types will change each year between 2016 and 2041.

Economic Profile

Wellington Shire’s Economic Profile provides economic analysis by combining 11 different datasets to build a cohesive story of a local economy, how it is changing and how it compares to other areas.

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