
Find a Kinder in Wellington

Visit the Find A Kinder Program's interactive map to find kindergartens in your area.
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Please visit the Find A Kinder Program's interactive map to find kindergartens in your area.

Kindergarten open days, fees and more

Kindergarten Open Days are usually held in May of each year. More information can be found by contacting your preferred service provider.

Please note Wellington Shire Council does not manage or coordinate kindergarten programs. In Wellington Shire, kindergarten services are delivered by private companies, community-based committee of management and/or early years managers.

Since 2023, and in accordance with the Victorian Government's Free Kinder policy, most kindergarten programs are free across Victoria. All kindergarten providers under the Wellington Kindergarten Central Registration Service are participating providers for Free Kinder.

Funded 3-year-old kindergarten programs range from 5 to 15 hours per week.

Funded 4-year-old kindergarten programs are up to 15 hours per week.

Some providers may offer more than 15 hours per week of 4-year-old-kindergarten.

You may need to pay fees if:

  • Your child attends more than 15 hours per week of 4-year-old kindergarten; or
  • Your child attends a long day care centre and incurs childcare fees (you may be eligible for a childcare subsidy if this is the case).

Kindergarten fees and childcare fees may vary. Please contact your preferred provider for fee information.

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