
Public Aquatic Facilities

An aquatic facility operator must manage water-related health risks as per the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 and Water Quality Guidelines.
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An aquatic facility operator must manage the risks to human health arising from the water in the aquatic facility in accordance with the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 and the Water Quality Guidelines.

The Victorian Government has categorised aquatic facilities into Category 1 and Category 2 premises based on risk.

Key Regulatory Compliance Requirements for Category 1 and 2 Aquatic Facilities

All public aquatic facilities must have a water quality risk management plan.

The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services has developed a Guide for Developing an Aquatic Facility Water Quality Risk Management Plan to assist aquatics facilities to prepare their water quality risk management plan.

A Water Quality Risk Management Plan Template is also available, however use of the department’s template is not mandatory. Aquatics facilities can use their own water quality risk management plan template if they wish, provided it addresses the mandatory elements.

Registration requirements

Category 1 aquatic facilities are required to be registered with Council. The registration holder is the applicant for the certificate of registration and would usually be the proprietor or owner of the premises. The registration holder has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the standards and requirements for a category 1 aquatic facility are complied with.

The aquatic facility operator also has a duty to ensure the standards and requirements are met. The aquatic facility operator is defined in regulation 4 as “a person who owns, manages or controls an aquatic facility”. This may be the proprietor, or it may be a person or company the proprietor contracts with or engages to manage the facility.

Category 2 aquatic facilities are not required to be registered with Council. Therefore, the aquatic facility operator has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the standards and requirements are complied with.

How to register your aquatic facility

To register a new public aquatic facility with Council, please contact Environmental Health on 1300 366 244 to request a registration form be emailed to you.

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