

Current tender opportunities with Wellington Shire Council.
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Wellington Shire Council uses the eProcure platform to manage Tenders.

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Registering for a Tender

Wellington Shire Council use an external eTendering site to provide suppliers with easy access to a range of tendering services associated with our tendering program. This site also provides suppliers with the ability to download relevant documents and submit information online.

Wellington Shire Council advertises and releases tenders on the eProcure platform as its preferred provider for eTendering solutions. Opportunities are also published in Council's e-newsletter the Wellington Digital Edit and in local newspapers.

Registration is free. Please ensure your company's details are correct and maintained. All tender communication is via this portal and each tender forum.

All tender submissions must be lodged electronically through the eProcure portal. Late and hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.

For any issues with the eProcure platform please contact them on 1800 377 628.

Tender Process

Legislation requires a public tender for the purchase of all goods, services and works for which the estimated expenditure exceeds $250,000.

The Tender process is detailed below:

  1. Once documents are compiled and approval given, the tender is advertised.
  2. Tender documents are then available via the eProcure platform.
  3. Tender closes on the advertised date. All tenders must be submitted via the procurement portal no later than the time nominated.
  4. Tender evaluations are conducted.
  5. An evaluation report is compiled with recommendation.
  6. The recommendation report is submitted to Council or relevant delegated Officer for approval.
  7. The successful and unsuccessful tenderers are notified of the outcome.
  8. Contracts are signed and sealed by the successful contractor and Council.
  9. A copy of the contract is returned to the successful contractor.
  10. Contract works/services are conducted.

Approved Contractor Registration

We use the Rapid system for contractors to register their health and safety information to become an Approved Contractor to Council.

To register, contractors must complete the Approved Contractor Registration Form.

Existing contractors may login through the My Rapid Portal login page.

Invoicing and Payments

Suppliers should quote a purchase order or contract number on each invoice or payment may be delayed. A purchase order number can be obtained from the Officer requesting the goods or services.

If a tax invoice is delivered with the goods, or handed to a Council Officer, there can be no guarantee that the invoice will reach the Accounts Payable Section which may result in delayed payment of the invoice. Suppliers can email their tax invoice to and the invoice must include:

  • ABN
  • GST price and GST amount
  • The words 'tax invoice' on the page
  • Date of issue
  • Item description
  • Purchase Order Number/Contract Number
  • Name of council employee or contact for services or goods

Note: Our standard payment terms for accounts are 30 days from the date of the invoice. Our preferred method of payment is electronic funds transfer, which is done on a fortnightly basis.

Best Practice Guide

The Victorian Civil Construction Industry 'Best Practice Guide for Tendering and Contract Management' establishes high and significant benchmarks for best practice tendering and contract management within the civil construction and maintenance industry.

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