
Council Elections

Council general elections are held every four years with the next general election scheduled for Saturday 26 October 2024.
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The Wellington Shire is subdivided into three wards – Northern, Central, and Coastal – each with three Councillors.

The Wellington Shire Council election will be held this October.

The election will be conducted entirely by post – a safe and completely secret method of voting. Local council general elections are held every 4 years, and councillors make decisions on a range of important local issues and services including:

  • Sporting and recreation facilities
  • Libraries and community centres
  • Animal registrations
  • Rubbish and recycling
  • Planning and building regulations
  • Local roads and footpaths.

We strongly encourage all eligible voters to vote this October. Voting is compulsory for all enrolled voters; you may be fined if you don’t vote.

Election Timeline

  • Wednesday 7 August: Roll closes at 4pm
  • Monday 9 September: Candidate nominations open
  • Tuesday 17 September: Candidate nominations close at 12noon
  • Monday 7 to Thursday 10 October: Mail-out of ballot packs
  • Friday 25 October: Voting closes at 6pm
  • Friday 1 November: Postal vote receipt period closes at 12noon
  • Friday 15 November: Latest date all results will be declared.

Election Information

The VEC conducts elections on behalf of all Victorian councils. For detailed and up-to-date information about how to enrol, vote, become a candidate, and more, visit the VEC website, or call the VEC on 131 832.

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Are you interested in being a Council Election Candidate?

To nominate as a candidate for election as a Wellington Shire Councillor you must be:

  • An Australian Citizen;
  • Aged 18 years or older on election day; and
  • A resident or ratepayer of Wellington Shire enrolled to vote.

You must ensure the disqualifications under s 34(2) of the Local Government Act 2020 do not apply to you.

Additionally, the Local Government Act 2020 requires candidates to complete prescribed training to nominate for election. Further details are available at Local Government Victoria.

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) coordinates the nomination of councillor candidates. More information is available in the VEC Candidate Handbook.

MAV Stand for Council sessions

In partnership with Victorian councils, the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is delivering a number of information sessions for the community and prospective candidates. These sessions can be attended either in-person or online.

The following Gippsland sessions are available:

  • Wednesday 24 July: Gippsland – Host: East Gippsland Shire Council
  • Thursday 25 July: Gippsland – Host: South Gippsland Shire Council
  • Monday 12 August: Gippsland – Host: Latrobe City Council

Additional Sessions:

  • Tuesday 21 May: Youth X Stand for Council - Host: Municipal Association of Victoria (Online only)
  • Thursday 30 May: First Nations X Stand for Council – Host: Greater Shepparton City Council
  • Wednesday 26 June: Women X Stand for Council – Host: Kingston City Council

Further information and the link to register is available at Stand for Council | MAV website

Other Candidate Resources

Useful resources for potential candidates are included below:

Further information will be included on this page as it becomes available.

Gender Equality on Council

Women currently comprise 44% of Wellington Shire’s councillors. Council continues to encourage greater participation of women in local government.

Council supports a 50/50 gender representation in our governing body for our Council by 2025 in line with the targets set by the Minister for Local Government, which is a key action in our Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-25.

Wellington Shire Council was pleased to be identified as one of the 31 target municipalities where the State Government offered a funded Women Leading Locally Fellowship Program.

Useful resources for potential candidates are included below:

Election Period Policy

The purpose of the Election Period Policy is to outline the continuation of the ordinary business of Council throughout the election period in a responsible and transparent manner, in accordance with statutory requirements and best practice. The policy aims to ensure that elections are conducted in an ethical, fair and equitable manner and are publicly perceived as such.

During the 2024 Council general elections, the election period will start on Tuesday 24 September 2024 and finish at 6:00pm on election day, Saturday 26 October 2024.

Election Campaign Donation Returns

The Election Campaign Donation Returns document from the 2020 general election is available for download on the link below and provides details of any gifts received by the candidate, or on behalf of the candidate.

This is during the election period, used for or in connection with the election campaign and includes goods or services.

Wellington Shire Council Ward Boundary Review

In early 2024 the Victorian Electoral Commission conducted a review of Wellington Shire Council's ward boundaries, resulting in adjustments to all three ward boundaries.

Councillor Induction Schedule 2024 and Key Dates

Councillors elected to the Wellington Shire Council are required to participate in a compulsory induction program commencing Monday, 18 November 2024. You can view the schedule via the Councillor Induction Schedule 2024 and key dates PDF. Candidates nominating for the upcoming election are recommended to save these dates now in preparation for being elected.

Taking on the role of Councillor can be challenging, and this induction program aims to equip Councillors with the information necessary to best represent and contribute to the Wellington Shire community, in compliance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2020.

Mandatory Ongoing Training

There are proposed legislative reforms requiring councillors to undertake annual professional development training commencing in 2025. Councillors appointed to the position of Mayor and Deputy Mayor will also be required to complete mayoral training. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

Council workshops and Council meeting schedule

Council workshops and Council meetings are scheduled for the first and third Tuesday of each month (excluding January). Council workshops are scheduled from approximately 8.30am to 4.30pm. Council meetings commence at 5pm. Special Council Meetings may be scheduled in addition to these meetings.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) training

Successful candidates will be actively supported to use Council’s ICT equipment and systems. Ongoing training and support is available.

Wellington Shire Council is committed to electronic (paper free) communications and Councillors are expected to regularly check their Council email for updates and correspondence.

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