
Illegal Dumping and Litter

Illegally dumped rubbish is costly for Council and also negatively impacts our environment.
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Illegal Dumping

Dealing with illegally dumped rubbish is costly for council. It also negatively impacts our environment, is unsightly and makes people feel less safe.

If you witness someone dumping waste illegally or littering, record the location, date, time and other important details (e.g. car registration) and report it to Council. The Council has Officers authorised under the Environment Protection Act (1970) to investigate dumped litter. Your call will be treated confidentially.  

Alternatively, report litter from or near a motor vehicle to the 24-hour EPA pollution hotline 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) or report online via the EPA Victoria website or their mobile phone app.

All reports should outline:

  • Location of the litter
  • Date and time where the littering occurred

Fines for Littering

Offenders may be charged under the Environmental Protection Act 2017 and if found guilty, face a maximum penalty of $6,342. The act was recently amended to enhance the powers of the act, issuing stronger sanctions and penalties.

General Environmental Duty

The General Environment Duty is the centrepiece of the new laws and it applies to all Victorians. You must take reasonably practical steps to eliminate or minimise activities which pose a risk to human health and the environment.  

Remember - illegal dumpers are costing YOU money - don't let them get away with it!

Collecting Litter

We support community members who safely collect litter within our Shire. Clean up kits containing gloves, bags and more are available all year round from Clean up Australia.

Litter can be collected by:  

  • Individuals - We support individuals collecting litter. If you see rubbish, help the environment by picking it up (if safe to do so)!  
  • Community Groups and Events - picking up litter can be a great way to help out your community while having fun. You must be registered with the Clean Up Australia Day and have a letter from Council’s waste department to take your collected waste to the Transfer Station for No Charge.
  • Community Reports of Litter – you can also report significant litter to us for clean up by calling us or sending an email.

Clean up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia Day is Australia's largest annual community-based environmental event for collecting litter.

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If your locality is not listed it either does not receive a Bin Collection service, or is located in a neighbouring municipality. Please Contact Us if you require assistance.

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