
Careers at Wellington

Learn about the diverse variety of careers available with us.
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Looking after our local community involves a lot of different people with a wide range of different skills and capabilities. At Wellington Shire Council we provide over 100 different services to our community which means that there is a wide variety of different roles and opportunities available within Council. We also provide training and development opportunities and further education. 

With such a wide variety of roles on offer at Wellington Shire Council you could be:

  • Providing exceptional customer service to our community via our customer service desks, call centres or business units.
  • Working closely with emergency services and community organisations to better assist our community during the response and recovery phases of an emergency event such as a bushfire, flood or pandemic.
  • Providing internal support and professional services such as Media, Marketing, Communications, Information Technology, Information Management, Finance, Accounting, Procurement, Governance, Risk Management or Workplace Health and Safety.    
  • Managing large projects, developing building plans and managing local infrastructure and developments across the shire including our road networks, bridges or footpaths.
  • Managing, improving or maintaining our treasured recreational facilities such as the Sale Botanic Gardens, local parks, sports fields, The Gippsland Regional Sports Complex, Aqua Energy Leisure Centre, community pools, camping grounds or caravan parks.
  • Managing major community assets within Wellington Shire such as the West Sale Aerodrome, car parks or council-owned buildings, halls and crown land.
  • Providing vital health services such as water and food inspections, immunisations, mosquito control, noise and animal control.
  • Managing waste collection or water and sewerage services.
  • Protecting our wide variety of natural resources including wetlands and coastal dunes, managing land rehabilitation or leading environmental sustainability.
  • Facilitating community care services such as community wellbeing, youth and welfare services.
  • Planning the future requirements of one of our cities, towns or suburbs and approving building development proposals.
  • Delivering a wide range of cultural services such as our libraries, the Gippsland Art Gallery, The Wedge Performing Arts Centre or organising community based cultural events.
  • Growing local tourism through the Port of Sale visitor centre, festivals, events and markets.

As you can see, there’s plenty of opportunity for you to find a role within Council that suits your skills and abilities. If you are someone who is passionate about making a real difference in your community, then you’ll agree there’s no better place to start or grow your career than right here in Gippsland.

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