
Sustainable Living Education Program

Wellington Shire Council supports schools and kindergartens on their sustainability journey.
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The Sustainability team at Wellington Shire Council is committed to supporting schools, kindergartens and community groups to step up their sustainability actions. We can help embed practices and learning that reduce waste and emissions, contributing to a healthier community for everyone. Programs can be delivered at your location, or at a local venue including Nakunbalook, the brand new Environmental and Cultural Education Centre at Lake Guyatt in Sale.

Our programs are curriculum linked and align with the Learning about Sustainability cross-curricular priority.

Topics include:

  • Get it Sorted! Waste Education
  • Worms and Compost
  • Biodiversity and Wildlife
  • Sale Botanic Gardens
  • Nakunbalook – revegetation planting and guided walks
  • Seed Community Garden – growing food and healthy cooking
  • Transfer Station (Tip) Tour
  • Supporting student leaders

Or ask us about customising a program to suit your needs.

For more information contact Council's Sustainability Education Officer Sharon Ray on (03) 5142 3265 or email SharonR@wellington.vic.gov.au

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Other great school-based programs

  • The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation helps children around the country to get their hands dirty and learn how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food.
  • ResourceSmart Schools is a free program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across the school facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school. Schools join the program, then have access to an online portal where they learn and practice ways to integrate sustainability.
  • Bug Blitz raises awareness about the wonders, mysteries, and importance of the world's biodiversity through hands-on activities in the field.

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