planning scheme amendment

Proposed Amendment C99

Amendment C99 proposes to update flood mapping across the Wellington Shire to accurately identify land assessed as being flood prone.
Amendment Status: 

Amendment C99 proposes to revise the Wellington Planning Scheme to:

  • Update flood mapping across the Wellington Shire to accurately identify land assessed as being flood prone. This includes land affected by riverine and coastal inundation (including land predicted to be inundated by future sea level rise).
  • Introduce an exemption from the need for a planning permit for a dwelling on residentially zoned land when specified requirements are met, including that the floor level is above the level specified by the relevant Catchment Management Authority (and in the case of rural dwellings, where the CMA consents in writing). It should be noted that in some instances, other planning permit triggers may still apply to the land.
  • Introduce additional exemptions from the need for a planning permit for a range of minor buildings and works (e.g. small sheds).
  • Introduce new application information requirements. This will help to ensure that the appropriate information is available to guide decision-making for planning permit applications.
  • Introduce new planning policy to provide clarity and guidance in relation to flood issues within Wellington Shire and to help guide future decision-making.

Current Status

At the meeting of 18 June 2019, Council considered a detailed report with a request to seek Authorisation from the Minister for Planning to formally prepare and exhibit Amendment C99.

At the meeting Council resolved:

‘That the report on Amendment C99 lay on the table so Councillors can obtain additional information on Wellington Shire’s proposed policy response to updated flood mapping and implications of how future development will be assessed”.

The Council Report and associated attachment can be viewed on the link below. Attachment 1 to the report is below.

PLEASE NOTE: Information sessions scheduled for 1 and 2 July 2019 in Sale and Yarram (respectively) as referred to in the Council report, will now be deferred to a date to be confirmed.

Amendment C99 will be considered by Council at a future meeting, the date of which is to be determined.

Updates will be provided on this page.

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