planning scheme amendment

Amendment C103

Planning Scheme Amendment C103 relates to West Sale Industrial Land Rezoning.
Amendment Status: 

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C103 to the Wellington Planning Scheme. The changes came into effect on Thursday 24 October 2019.

What is Amendment C103?

Council, in conjunction with Urban Enterprise, recently prepared the ‘West Sale and Wurruk Industrial Land Supply Strategy’ (the ILS) which was adopted by Council at its ordinary meeting of 19 June 2018. The strategy investigated three sites or ‘Candidate Areas’ (Figure 2) nominated within the ‘Sale, Wurruk and Longford Structure Plan (2010)’ for potential future industrial growth. These are located:

  1. To the west of the existing industrial zoned land in Wurruk;
  2. To the north of the Princes Highway and to the east of the West Sale Aerodrome, and
  3. To the south of the Princes Highway and east of the Fulham Correctional Centre.

Candidate Area 2 is recommended within the ILS as the primary opportunity to provide industrial land. Rezoning of industrial land in this location has the potential to form part of a broader economic precinct which incorporates the West Sale Aerodrome and is supported by major road, rail and air distribution infrastructure.

Planning Scheme Amendment C103 seeks to implement the recommendations of the ILS through the rezoning of the land identified as Candidate Area 2 from the Farming Zone to the Industrial 1 Zone and by applying a Design and Development Overlay and Development Plan Overlay to ensure development takes place in coordinated manner and appropriate built form is achieved.

The Amendment seeks to provide sufficient, appropriately zoned industrial land in the vicinity of Sale and Wurruk in order to meet the forecast demand over a short-medium term (five to ten-year period) and that its future development can occur in a coordinated and timely manner.

Further Information

For further information please contact Ben Proctor (Strategic Planner) on 1300 366 244.

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