planning projects

Port of Sale Masterplan Review (2021)

The Port of Sale is regarded as the jewel in the crown for the City of Sale. It provides considerable amenity and significant potential and opportunities to further enrich this. The area is deeply invested with meaning from historic aboriginal activity along an important trade route.
Project Status:  

The Port of Sale is regarded as the jewel in the crown for the City of Sale. It provides considerable amenity and significant potential and opportunities to further enrich this. The area is deeply invested with meaning from historic aboriginal activity along an important trade route.

More recent initiatives have created a high-quality destination that offers a range of experiences related to the visual and performing arts, passive recreation and markets for the local community and visitors.

Yet there is still considerable opportunity to further enrich the precinct with new uses, spaces and activities – all of which require detailed guidance to ensure that high-quality design outcomes are achieved.

The review process undertaken in the preparation of the Port of Sale Masterplan Review built on the earlier master planning work at the Port and provided concepts and options for the management and redevelopment of the precinct.

The masterplan review seeks to enable a cohesive and well-connected environment that offers an interesting variety of places, experiences, and buildings. It also intends to strengthen the precinct with uses and activities that complement the town centre and acknowledge the historic significance of the place.

Key elements of the masterplan review include the creation of three new public spaces, two new pedestrian and cycling bridges. A network of walking / cycle paths is proposed to connect these spaces and elements and link the precinct more strongly to the town centre and Lake Guthridge. Along the canal these connections take the form of walkways.

A mixed-use development is proposed for the former Schools site to enrich the liveliness and vitality of the precinct and facilitate uses conducive to stimulating a range of activities including conference /hotel facilities, commercial facilities related to the arts and creative sectors – all complemented by some retail and food and beverage uses.  Ideas for events and elements to activate the public spaces are also provided.

The Port of Sale Masterplan Review was formally adopted by Council in October 2021.

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