planning projects

Wellington Shire Heritage Study - Stage 2

The Wellington Shire Stage 2 Heritage Study illustrates aspects of the historic development and occupation since first European contact, exploration and settlement, by documenting 67 of the rich cultural heritage places within ten smaller rural towns in Wellington Shire.
Project Status:  

The Wellington Shire Stage 2 Heritage Study illustrates aspects of the historic development and occupation since first European contact, exploration and settlement, by documenting 67 of the rich cultural heritage places within ten smaller rural towns in Wellington Shire.

At its meeting on Tuesday 6 September 2016 Council resolved to adopt the Wellington Shire Stage 2 Heritage Study 2016.

Council has now completed the Planning Scheme Amendment process to implement the findings of the study. This formally recognises the heritage significance of the buildings and places in the Study within the Wellington Planning Scheme through the application of the Heritage Overlay.

What is the Wellington Shire Heritage Study - Stage 2 Implementation

Wellington Shire Council, in conjunction with heritage consultants Heritage Intelligence, undertook the Wellington Shire Heritage Study – Stage 2 Implementation.

Stage 2 follows on from the Stage 1 study completed in 2005. A component of the Stage 1 study was the identification of around 800 places in Wellington Shire that are of ‘High’ or ‘Medium’ heritage significance and required further investigation as part of a Stage 2 Study.

Stage 2 of the study involved the professional documentation of the heritage values of 67 ‘high priority’ places across 9 townships within Wellington Shire including: Cowwarr, Heyfield, Tinamba, Maffra, Boisdale, Briagolong, Stratford, Rosedale and Yarram. A full list of places included in the study can be found in the Final Schedule of Places.    

An outcome of the study will be detailed heritage place citations for these places. Heritage citations provide a description of the history of the heritage place and its surviving fabric (including buildings, trees, fences, etc.) and on this basis, provide an assessment of the significance of the place. These citations, in conjunction with detailed Management Guidelines, will provide clear guidance to owners, Council and other key stakeholders about the appropriate future management of the significant heritage elements of a place.

The specific implications and other details concerning this project can be found in the Heritage Study – Stage 2 Fact Sheet.

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