media releases

Yarram swimming pool successful in blanket funding

Council is thrilled with the Rotary Club of Yarram’s success in attracting funding for pool blankets via the Pick My Project scheme.
October 4, 2018

Wellington Shire Council is thrilled with the Rotary Club of Yarram’s success in attracting funding for pool blankets via the Pick My Project scheme.

The project attracted 266 votes from the local community and will receive a total of $31,866 from the State Government.

Prior to the funding application, Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Rotary Club of Yarram, for them to conduct community consultation to determine exactly what the community wants and needs for the future of the Yarram swimming pool.

The Rotary Club is preparing to commence its consultation in coming weeks.

In the meantime, Council is pleased to be the partner on this project.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley congratulated the Rotary Club of Yarram for its funding win.

“We are delighted that the Yarram pool will have blankets for this summer season,” Cr Crossley said.

“The blankets will improve the swimmer experience at Yarram pool this summer.”

“Wellington Shire’s outdoor pools operate on a temperature trigger of 25 degrees, so on the cooler days when the pool is not open, the blankets will ensure more heat is retained in the water and not be lost to the atmosphere.”

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