
Operating a Sustainable Business

Businesses who are committed to sustainability see greater rewards.
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Sustainability Sells

The benefits of adopting sustainable business practices include:

  • Cost Savings
  • Increased production
  • Supply chain security
  • Access to new and evolving markets
  • Enhanced brand value and reputation
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Energy Audits

An energy and sustainability audit evaluates your business energy use, verify where it is being wasted and recommend specific improvements.

The Gippsland Climate Change Network, in partnership with the Baw Baw Sustainability Network, can deliver cost effective practical energy assessments, advice and services to households and small businesses through the Energise Gippsland: Energy Assessment Program.

Sustainable Business Accreditation

There are a range of options for your business to become certified as sustainable.

Certified B Corporation

Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. There are currently 257 B Corps in Australia. Council currently does business with several Certified B businesses including Ironbark Sustainability, Australian and New Zealand Recycling Platform and SGS Economics and Planning.

ISO Certification

ISO Certification helps business transformation, improvement and growth. Government procurements may seek certification requirements as part of tender processes.

Business Victoria also has resources to assist you to Validate your Green Credentials.

Current Business Finance and Incentives

Environmental Upgrade Finance

Businesses and farms in Wellington Shire Council can access Environmental Upgrade Finance for projects that help them save money and improve economic and environmental performance. Learn more on our Environmental Upgrade Finance page.

Victorian Energy Upgrades

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program reduces greenhouse gas by providing access to discount energy efficient products and services. Upgrades using an 'accredited person' can create Victorian Energy Efficient Certificates (VEEC).

For further information visit the Essential Services Commission Victorian Energy Upgrades Program information.

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