What's on offer?
- The Toy Library promotes the value of play through all stages of a child's development.
- We offer an extensive variety of toys, play equipment, puzzles, games, bikes and dress ups for borrowing.
- The Wellington Toy Library is a community service managed by a volunteer committee of members.
- All members are encouraged to participate in the running of the Toy Library by helping on the duty roster, stocktake and fundraising.
Wooden puzzles and jigsaws, board games (2 - 8 years), bath toys and activities, sand pit toys, push-a-long toys, ride on toys/scooters/trikes, aquaplay, tunnels, musical toys, painting easel, rocking horse, construction sets, dress ups and many more toys are available for borrowing.
- Most of our membership options enables families to borrow up to 4 toys per fortnight.
- Our Corporate Membership option enables organisations such as kindergartens, playgroups and childcare centres to borrow up to 5 toys for 4 weeks.
- Toys can only be borrowed or returned during Toy Library hours.
- Borrowing is to be supervised by an adult.
- We are open during school holidays except for the Christmas to New Year period.
Several Membership options are currently available. See the Toy Library website for current fees and conditions. Members are asked to volunteer 2 hours per yearly membership on duty roster to count toys upon return and help out.
Website: wellingtonvic.setls.com.au
Email: wellingtontoylibrary@gmail.com
Social media: Facebook and Instagram
Opening hours
- Friday: 3.00pm - 5.00pm
- Saturday: 10.00am - 12.00pm