
Environmental Programs and Incentives

Council offers a range of community targeted incentive programs and events to help drive sustainable outcomes.
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Wellington Shire proudly hosts and supports a wide range of environmental events each year.

Parks Week – March

Wellington's Parks and Gardens are actively promoted through our annual Parks Week celebrations which are held in March each year, attracting in excess of 5,000 visitors at various locations across the municipality.

Clean Up Australia Day – March

Clean Up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment.

National Tree Day – July/August

National Tree Day helps you connect with nature by planting trees and shrubs to improve our natural environment. Established in 1996, it has grown into Australia's largest community tree-planting and nature care event. The program is a call to action for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to their community.

Garage Sale Trail – November

Powered by over 100 local Councils, Garage Sale Trail is a program that encourages reuse and waste avoidance in communities across Australia. It facilitates one big weekend of garage sales which takes place in mid-November. It’s a great way for community groups to connect and fundraise.

Community Programs and Incentives

Charging the Regions – Electric Vehicle Transition

Wellington is commencing its transition to electric and hybrid vehicle technology. Read more on our Electric Vehicle Charging page.

Environmental Upgrade Finance

Businesses in Wellington Shire can access Environmental Upgrade Finance for projects that help them save money and improve their economic and environmental performance.

Rate Rebate on Land for Conservation Purposes

Council provides a rebate on lands that have a Deed of Covenant for conservation purposes approved by Trust for Nature. The rebate only applies to the land that is affected by a covenant.

The rate is applied using a $ per hectare rate, with a minimum rebate of $100 and a maximum equal to the annual general rate on the property. The current rate is $15 per hectare. The Rates Rebate on land with a deed of Covenant for Conservation Purposes Policy can be viewed on the Council Policies page.

For further information on our current support programs please contact our Sustainability Project Officer.

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