
Pests, Weeds and Biodiversity

As a landowner, Council aims to improve biodiversity across our urban areas.
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What you can do to help:

  • Choose appropriate plants for your garden. Check out Grow Me Instead! A Guide for Gardeners in the Gippsland Area.
  • Remove weeds from your garden and nature strip or property and roadside - see the Common Weeds of Gippsland brochure.
  • Dispose of weeds in your green waste bin or at a green waste facility where the hot composting process will destroy any weed seeds.
  • Do not leave pet food outside where it can be eaten by foxes and other pest animals.
  • Keep your cat inside between dawn and dusk so that it does not kill native animals.
  • Keep your dog on a lead when visiting bushland areas so it cannot be mistaken for a feral dog or interfere with trapping or poisoning programs.
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Roadside Weeds and Pests Program

Many roadside reserves contain the last remaining intact areas of plant communities that provide habitat and wildlife corridors for plants and animals.

The State Government assists Council's through the Roadside Weeds and Pest Program to manage the pest and weeds located alongside the lengths of our rural roads. Council receives $75,000 on an annual basis.

Our program prioritises 'regionally prohibited weeds' which are weeds that Council is legally required to eradicate. After this, 'regionally controlled weeds' and pest animals are prioritised where:

  • Partners including Landcare and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) have targeted control programs (eg. Gorse in Yarram area and Serrated Tussock in Stratford area).
  • There is a likelihood of high threat agricultural weeds spreading (eg. African Love Grass).
  • Adjoining landholders have carried out weed control works.

The program is funded by Wellington Shire Council and the Victorian Government. We use the above priorities and consider seasonal conditions when planning our annual program.

Native Vegetation Removal

For further information, please see the Native Vegetation Removal page.

Feral Cats - Impact on Wildlife

Cats pose a significant risk to our local wildlife.

To protect your cat and our wildlife we advocate for cat owners to practice responsible cat ownership that includes desexing and confining it to the home, particularly during night time hours. The RSPCA have a useful guide on Keeping your cat Safe and Happy at Home.

Further information on wandering/stray cats is available from our Animals and Pets page.

Urban Biodiversity Plan

Council’s Urban Biodiversity Plan was developed to align with Wellington Shire Council’s Public Open Space Plan 2014-2024, the Wellington 2030 Strategic Vision, and the Victorian Government’s Protecting Victoria’s Environment - Biodiversity 2037 Strategy.

The State-wide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams (SWIFFT) provide a useful resource of current threatened species across Wellington Shire:

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