media releases

Working together to manage African Lovegrass

As part of the ‘Protecting Our Ponds Project’ Wellington Shire Council is conducting roadside African Lovegrass control in the Perry River/Providence Ponds catchment area.
April 16, 2020

As part of the ‘Protecting Our Ponds Project’ Wellington Shire Council is conducting roadside African Lovegrass control in the Perry River/Providence Ponds catchment area.

Due to recent rains following an extended drought, African Lovegrass levels have increased in recent months.

Council is conducting an additional treatment of roadsides in the Perry River/Providence Ponds catchment area during autumn to control the outbreak as much as possible.

These works will reduce the spread of African Lovegrass into adjacent farmland and endangered Red Gum Grassy Woodland vegetation along Council roadsides in the area.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Cr Alan Hall said Council had an extensive African Lovegrass control program working closely with partner agencies to improve control of this weed on roadsides within Wellington.

“It is imperative we work together to manage this outbreak as African Lovegrass is a significant threat to agricultural and environmental values,” he said.

African Lovegrass control is being implemented in accordance with Council’s Roadside Weeds and Pests Program Control Plan and overlaps areas included in the Providence Ponds and Perry River Catchment Strategic Directions Statement.

This project is supported by Wellington Shire Council through funding from West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority and the Victorian Government’s Our Catchments, Our Communities Program.

For more information on Council’s roadside weed control program or African Lovegrass contact Councils Land & Natural Resource Coordinator on 1300 366 244.

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