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Wellington youth ask candidates the tough questions

Wellington Shire Youth Council will hold a Candidate Q&A event with those standing for the upcoming federal election in the seat of Gippsland this Thursday.
May 10, 2019

Wellington Shire Youth Council will hold a Candidate Q&A event with those standing for the upcoming federal election in the seat of Gippsland this Thursday.

The event will provide young people in Wellington with the opportunity to ask questions that are important to them, in an open forum.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said the event would be a good opportunity for local youth to gather information to assist them to make a decision about who to vote for.

“Many young people from across Gippsland will be heading to the polls for the first or second time in this federal election, and it can be daunting to know who to vote for,” he said.

“This is a great opportunity for young people to ask questions about issues that are important to them, directly to the candidates who are asking to represent them in the Australian Parliament.”

Whether young people have a question to ask themselves, or just want to hear from candidates to get a better sense of what they are standing for, people of all ages are welcome to attend.

The event will be held in the Council Chambers in the Wellington Centre, Port of Sale, Thursday 16 May from 6pm. Candidates taking part in the session include:

  • Darren Chester MP (Coalition)
  • Antoinette Holm (ALP)
  • Deb Foskey (Australian Greens)
  • Kerri Brewer (United Australia Party)

A light supper to follow to give you time to meet candidates following the event at 7.30pm.

Those wanting to ask a question on the night can email it through to, phone the Youth Coordinator on 0439 561 757 by Wednesday at 5pm, or bring a question along on the night.

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