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Wellington Shire’s newest Australian citizens

The latest residents of Wellington Shire to take Australian citizenship were sworn in by Wellington Shire Mayor Carolyn Crossley at a citizenship ceremony.
April 27, 2017

The latest residents of Wellington Shire to take Australian citizenship were sworn in by Wellington Shire Mayor Carolyn Crossley at a citizenship ceremony at the Wellington Entertainment Centre in Sale on Wednesday 26 April 2017.

There were 24 people who took their affirmation or oath, from nine different countries, Philippines, Malta, Turkey, New Zealand, United Kingdom, India, Germany, Ireland and Thailand.

The ceremony was also attended by Danny O’Brien Member for Gippsland South and by relatives and friends.

Mayor Carolyn Crossley said: “Becoming an Australian citizen is a very special day for those who have chosen to take this step and make Australia their home and Council aims to make this is a very special and memorable occasion for all new citizens.

“Many of the participants commented on what a moving experience the ceremony.

“As a community that is keen to encourage people to become residents of the shire, Wellington welcomes all who wish to take on Australian citizenship and contribute to the development of this wonderful area.”

The new citizens were given a certificate and a native plant to commemorate their special day.

Working on behalf of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Wellington Shire Council is responsible for formally conferring Australian citizenship on qualifying overseas residents who live in the municipality. Such ceremonies are held on a regular basis and organised by the council’s Chief Executive Officer Unit.

All applications and enquiries are handled by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. They can be contacted on 131 881 or by visiting their website

Once your application has been approved, you will receive a letter from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Your Australian Citizenship Certificate will be forwarded to Wellington Shire Council and we will invite you to attend the next Citizenship ceremony.

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