media releases

Wellington encourages kids to get active this October

Council is on a mission to get primary school kids and their families walking, riding, skating or scooting to school as part of VicHealth’s Walk to School month.
October 3, 2019

Wellington Shire Council is on a mission to get primary school kids and their families walking, riding, skating or scooting to school as part of VicHealth’s Walk to School month.

Every October children and their families are encouraged to get active on their trip to and from school, for part of their journey to help build healthy habits for life.

If distance makes active transport options difficult, there are plenty of other ways that children can get involved with school activities that support a healthy lifestyle and encourage 60 minutes of activity every day.

In Wellington last year, around 3,118 students participated in Walk to School month, covering a total distance of 42,524km.

Runners-up in the South Eastern school region last year was Nambrok Denison Primary School.

The campaign kicks off Term 4, Monday 7 October with major prizes are on offer to the winning schools.

Motorists also need to be aware that during this period, there may be more children active around schools and on school routes.

There is no longer a requirement to register each individual child to make it easier for parents and schools to participate. For more information visit the Walk to School website

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