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Upgrade to bring Briagolong facilities into 21st century

The Briagolong Recreation Reserve is set for an upgrade, with funding announced for the design works and construction.
May 15, 2018

The Briagolong Recreation Reserve is set for an upgrade, with funding announced for the design works and construction.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley said the upgrade would benefit all users of the reserve.

“The Briagolong Recreation Reserve is really well used in this small community,” she said.

“It is well over-due for refurbishment and Council has been working closely with the Briagolong Recreation Reserve Committee of Management that includes football, netball, cricket, tennis, pony clubs and other community representatives to ensure the upgrade will provide long-term benefit to the community.”

Wellington Shire Council will provide $627,862 towards the redevelopment, the State Government’s Community Sports and Infrastructure Fund providing $100,000 and the Briagolong community contributing $40,000.

The project will include a changeroom upgrade; renovated kitchen and public amenities; a new multipurpose meetings space; renovated unisex umpires change facilities; and storage.

“This upgrade will bring the Briagolong Recreation Reserve into the 21st century, providing the latest facilities to accommodate both men and women and a wide range of uses,” Cr Crossley said.

“We are thrilled to see this project funded so we can get underway.”

Briagolong Recreation Reserve Committee secretary Maree May said the Committee was looking forward to the upgrade.

“This is a wonderful outcome for the community of Briagolong,” she said

“The current facilities are 40 years old and are used almost every day by the user groups and by the general public in our community.

“It will enable the committee to provide an improved and more usable facility into the future.”

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