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Spinning a good yarn at Café 123 in Sale

Thanks to an Age-Friendly community grant from Council, a Knit and Natter Club is now running at Café 123 in Sale.
June 23, 2017

Thanks to an Age-Friendly community grant from Wellington Shire Council, a Knit and Natter Club is now running at Café 123 in Sale.

The idea was developed by local resident Judy Tulip who attended one of Council’s Age-Friendly lunches towards the end of last year.

The club is for people over the age of 50 who are feeling isolated or lonely, and provides an opportunity for people to get together in a relaxed, friendly, social environment and learn a thing or two about how to knit or crochet.

Judy Tulip, the creator of the Knit and Natter group, said: “I wanted to get isolated people out of the house for something that was relaxing and knitting seemed like just the thing.  

“I met with Julie and Rich from Café 123 as this venue offers the ideal space and relaxed surroundings that I was looking for. They agreed that we could rent the space for our sessions and Julie also offered to put on coffee and cake. Always a good incentive for people to turn up!

“Wellington Shire Council provided funding as part of their Age-friendly community grants, and this helps us with paying the rent. The knitters also provide a gold coin donation and I am looking for further funding so we can continue having the club for a long time.”

The café also helps the club sell the wonderful goods that they make including teddy bears, scarves and beanies.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley said: “It is great to see a project being developed from the conversations and discussions that were held around the tables at the lunches across the Shire last year. This is a fabulous, simple initiative that will hopefully help to assist people feel less isolated and get involved with a warm and inviting group of enthusiastic people.”

Anyone over the age of 50 is welcome to go along, men as well as ladies. The club meets every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at Café 123 on Cunningham Street in Sale.

For more information about the Age-friendly projects please contact Council’s Age-Friendly Project Officer on 1300 366 244 or email

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