media releases

Small Business Festival here to empower the little guys

Council is proud to announce the sixth annual Small Business Festival with events and workshops 5-26 August.
July 17, 2019

Wellington Shire Council is proud to announce the sixth annual Small Business Festival with events and workshops 5-26 August.

One of Australia’s best speakers Chris Helder will share his sought-after skills in communication, influence, human potential, leadership and mastering the face-to-face experience.

Chris has worked with business such as Citibank, Toyota, Mercedes Benz, Levi's and many more all over the world. His knowledge and experience will inspire you to turn thoughts into action and inspire yourself and your business to reach new heights.

“The Power of Influence” with Chris Helder will be held at the Criterion Hotel in Sale on 5 August, with dinner included.

Council has also organised a series of small business workshops throughout the festival in Maffra, Yarram and Sale. The Small Business Bus will also be located in Maffra and Sale at different times.

Small business is an important contributor to our local economy and provides significant employment. Council understands it can be difficult to navigate your business through a fluctuating economy from lean to more prosperous times.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said Council was committed to nurturing small businesses as they are the backbone of our communities.

“This event is an empowering tool for small business in our community and should be utilised to take your business to the next level,” he said.

“This festival has potential to create positive ramifications both economically and socially.”

To book your tickets to any of the Small Business Festival Events or for more information, search for Wellington Shire Council on, search our events page on the Wellington Shire website at or see our events on Facebook.

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