media releases

Shire residents are more satisfied

The Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey results show Council is performing better than other large rural Council’s.
June 9, 2017

The Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey results are in and Wellington Shire Council is delighted that the results are showing that Council is performing better than other large rural Council’s.

Council scored a rating of 63 out of 100 for overall council performance compared to 54 for other large rural council’s and 59 State-wide.

The three areas that survey participants highlighted that Council performs particularly well in are, arts centres and libraries, the appearance of our public areas and our recreational facilities.

Council also scored significantly higher results in the enforcement of our local laws, consultation and engagement, lobbying, and town planning and policy, compared to 2016.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley says: “This year’s results have shown great endorsement by residents of Council’s overall performance.”

“In all of the key performance areas, Community Consultation, Advocacy, Making Community Decisions, Sealed Local Roads and Customer Service, Council achieved a rating higher than the State-wide average and higher than in our peer group of Large Rural Shires, which is a fantastic achievement.”

“Customer Service was our highest-ranking performer with a rating of 70 but the biggest jump in our ratings came from Advocacy, where we lobby on behalf of the community. This rose 7 points from 54 in 2016 to 61 for 2017. This is great recognition for the hard work that Councillors and Council Officers undertake on the community’s behalf in relation to meeting with parliamentary representatives, government departments and agencies.”

“The survey results also suggested that Council should make improvements to unsealed roads, sealed local roads, and slashing and weed control. Council will undertake further investigation of those areas identified for improvement.”

“We are extremely confident that the survey reflects the community’s views and opinions of Council and our Councillors,” concluded the Mayor.

The Local Government Satisfaction Survey is independent of Council. The research is conducted annually by JWS research on behalf of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. The survey was completed earlier this year and involved 400 interviews with Wellington Shire residents.

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