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Rezoning makes way for more housing in Heyfield

Council has approved the re-zoning of land in Heyfield to make way for more low density housing just out of the town.
October 4, 2017

Wellington Shire Council has approved the re-zoning of land in Heyfield to make way for more low density housing just out of the town.

Council yesterday approved Amendment C96 – Heyfield Low Density Residential Areas, allowing for the opening up of further land for development in to one acre lots for residential housing.

Amendment C96 will allow the rezoning of land in Burnett Court, Heyfield from General Residential Zone 1, to Low Density Residential. The existing Development Plan Overlay will also be removed.

In Draper Road, the Rural Living Zone 2 will be rezoned to Low Density Residential zoning.

Wellington Shire Mayor Carolyn Crossley said Amendment C96 would allow for further residential development in Heyfield.

“This Amendment will make more land available for individuals and families to have the choice of a rural lifestyle on once acre allotments on the outskirts of Heyfield,” she said.

“The change of zoning will allow a developer to meet the demand for these sort of lifestyle blocks. Close enough to the amenities in Heyfield but retaining that rural experience.”

“Council has made this Amendment after consultation with the Heyfield community and we are hoping that this gives a positive boost to the towns confidence and allows for growth.”

The Amendment will now be sent to the Minister for Planning for final approval.

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