media releases

Prepare yourself and your property this Fire Action Week

Council is encouraging all residents who haven’t already done so, to prepare for the fire season this Fire Action Week.
October 5, 2018

Wellington Shire Council is encouraging all residents who haven’t already done so, to prepare for the fire season this Fire Action Week.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley said Fire Action Week was the time to speak to family, friends and neighbours about local bushfire risks and what you plan to do in a bushfire emergency.

“It’s important to discuss how you will react when there is a bushfire nearby,” Cr Crossley said.

“Write a home bushfire plan listing what you will do on those hot, dry, windy days where fires may start or spread quickly.

“All family members should understand the plan and stick to it.”

Fire Action Week should also remind property owners that the best way to reduce the risk of a bushfire reaching your house is by cutting grass and clearing undergrowth.

Embers often cause homes to burn, even if the fire front doesn’t reach the property. Clearing places where leaves and twigs gather around your home is also good practice.

While some may have taken advantage of our recent No Fee Green Waste Weekend, for those who missed it or haven’t started yet, we have another one coming up.

From Saturday, 3 November through to Monday 5 November (Melbourne Cup weekend), no fees will be charged for the delivery of green waste to Wellington’s landfills in Yarram, Kilmany, Maffra, Loch Sport, Seaspray, Heyfield and Stratford.

Cr Crossley said no-fee green waste weekend was the perfect time to dispose of cut grass, tree limbs, undergrowth and other plant material cleared for bushfire safety.

“This is the second no-fee green waste weekend Council has held, since the Fire Danger Period was declared earlier this year than others,” Cr Crossley said.

“The Melbourne Cup long weekend is the perfect time to clean up and dispose of your green waste.”

Following this green waste weekend, Wellington Shire Council officers will begin inspections of properties across the shire to identify fire risks.

If a property is identified to pose a potential fire risk to life or property, Council will issue the owner with a Fire Prevention Notice with instructions to clean up.

Serious penalties of up to $1,600 can apply for failure to comply with these notices.

For further information about preparing your property for fire and the Fire Prevention process, see the Wellington Shire website at and for information about the no fee green waste weekend see

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