Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Shire Council is urging residents to prepare their properties for the coming bushfire season, with No Fee Green Waste disposal at all landfills and transfer stations for the month of November.
Traditionally, Council offers No Fee Green Waste for the Melbourne Cup weekend with extended hours at all facilities.
However, this year it was decided to provide this offer for the month of November, during normal operating hours, to allow residents more time to prepare for the coming fire season.
Last season, Wellington had its best response ever from residents cleaning up their properties.
Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said he hoped that trend would continue this year.
“We had fantastic results last year, with only 12 properties throughout the whole shire requiring compulsory clean-ups,” he said.
“That was the best result we have ever had for a pre-fire season clean-up.
“I do hope residents take advantage of the No Fee Green Waste offer we have this year, for the whole month of November.
“Council is providing even more opportunities to get prepared for the fire season.”
If a property is identified to pose a potential fire risk to life or property, Council will issue the owner with a Fire Prevention Notice with instructions to clean up.
Serious penalties of $1,652 can apply for failure to comply with these notices.
For further information about preparing your property for fire and the fire prevention process, see the Wellington Shire website at www.wellington.vic.gov.au/fire and for information about the no fee green waste weekend see www.wellington.vic.gov.au/greenwaste