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Mayor receives service award from Municipal Association

Mayor Carolyn Crossley last night was presented with a Mayor Emeritus Award by the Municipal Association of Victoria.
October 19, 2018

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley last night was presented with a Mayor Emeritus Award by the Municipal Association of Victoria.

The honour recognises councillors who have served three of more full terms as Mayor.

Cr Crossley has extensive experience in local government, first being elected a Councillor to the City of Sale at the age of 33. Cr Crossley served a full three-year term, including a year as Deputy Mayor.

Cr Crossley was then re-elected as a Councillor to the Wellington Shire Council in 2012, where she served as Deputy Mayor in 2014-15, Mayor in 2015-16 and again in 2017-18.

Cr Crossley said she continued to enjoy her role in local government and recommended more people become involved in their local communities.

“It’s a great honour to serve the community and to have the confidence of councillors colleagues to represent them as Mayor,” Cr Crossley said.

“I enjoy the opportunity to engage with the community; being involved in meaningful advocacy with other levels of government and agencies; and, also celebrating successes with the community.

“I recommend to everyone to take up the challenge of a leadership role in your community, it’s a great experience and very rewarding.”

Cr Scott Rossetti was also acknowledged for 10 years’ service to local government and Cr Darren McCubbin for 15 years’ service.

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