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Mayor looking for broader vision on regional transport

Mayor Carolyn Crossley welcomed the State Government’s announcement on improved transport services in Gippsland but says the government is still not looking broadly enough.
April 12, 2017

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley welcomed the State Government’s announcement on improved transport services in Gippsland but says the government is still not looking broadly enough.

She says: “It is all well and good providing transport improvements for Trafalgar, Moe, Morwell and Traralgon but it is a bit ironic that these improvements will link into rail services that come out to Sale and Bairnsdale which are the slowest in the Gippsland region.”

“We are looking for some vision from the government and a broader plan into improving transport links for the whole of Gippsland into the future.”

“Hopefully, there will be something in the budget for transport improvements across Wellington Shire and the whole of the Gippsland region that meets the expectations of members of the community, businesses, residents and visitors.”

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