media releases

Maffra Parking Survey Results

Council received an excellent response from the Maffra community about the future of parking in Johnson St.
January 18, 2018

Wellington Shire Council received an excellent response from the Maffra community about the future of parking in Johnson St, with the majority wanting to keep the current parallel parking.

More than 300 people completed Council’s survey, with 75 per cent of responses in favour of keeping the current layout.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley said now that the community had decided what it wanted, the Council would complete plans for the streetscape works.

“Based on this feedback from the community, Council staff will now finalise detailed designs based on maintaining the existing parallel parking layout,” she said.

“In preparation for the streetscape works, the arbours at the pedestrian crossing will be removed and then to improve pedestrian safety, the zebra crossing over Johnson Street will be upgraded with new pedestals, flashing amber lights and overhead lighting.

“In addition to safety improvements, the community survey also asked participants to choose their preferred design for the footpath treatments.

“We anticipate awarding a contract for the works prior to mid-year and then we will see the roll-out of the preferred footpath style of exposed aggregate boarders infilled with a dark neutral coloured concrete.

“Maffra’s Johnson St is going to receive an impressive facelift without interfering with its natural beauty.”

Council will seek further community feedback early in the year in relation to specific treatments of the area near the rotunda and Post Office.

Two thirds of the community indicated they wanted to see this area enhanced as part of the works and Council staff are currently developing some treatment options.

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