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Heyfield low density land supply study approved

Council resolved to adopt the Heyfield Low Density Residential Land Supply Study.
April 19, 2017

Having considered a number of submissions made during a formal period of public exhibition, Wellington Shire Council resolved to adopt the Heyfield Low Density Residential Land Supply Study at its meeting on Tuesday 18 April 2017.

The Study, which was independently completed by Urban Enterprise Planning Consultants, identified and recommended two specific areas (2B & 3) in Heyfield for rezoning to the Low Density Residential Zone. The rezoning’s would ensure that there is a sufficient short-term supply of one acre residential lots available in Heyfield over the next five years.

The two areas identified are located at the end of Burnett Court and on the corner of the Heyfield-Seaton Road and Draper Road.

Mayor Crossley commented that, “The recommendations of this independently prepared Study have been tested against a set of robust criteria and will now support and facilitate the rezoning of the two identified sites to provide more opportunities for lower density residential lifestyle living in Heyfield.”

Council will now submit a request to the Minister for Planning to Authorise the preparation of Planning Scheme Amendment C96 to formally include the Study within the Wellington Planning Scheme and to amend and update a number of associated planning provisions - which will include the rezoning of the recommended sites to the Low Density Residential Zone.

If you require any further information, please contact Sabine Provily or the Strategic Planning Team on 1300 366 244 or email

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