media releases

Heritage Study implementation

Council considered written submissions received in relation to Planning Scheme Amendment C92 - Wellington Shire Stage 2 Heritage Study Implementation. Amendment C92 proposes to apply the Heritage Overlay to 67 places of historical significance into the Wellington Planning Scheme.
May 4, 2017

At its meeting on Tuesday 4 April 2017, Council considered written submissions received in relation to Planning Scheme Amendment C92 - Wellington Shire Stage 2 Heritage Study Implementation. Amendment C92 proposes to apply the Heritage Overlay to 67 places of historical significance into the Wellington Planning Scheme.

Council resolved to split Amendment C92 into two parts. Part 1 includes the application of the Heritage Overlay to 66 places of historical significance that are spread across nine towns within the Shire, including: Cowwarr, Heyfield, Tinamba, Maffra, Boisdale, Briagolong, Stratford, Rosedale and Yarram. Part 2 comprises the proposed application of the Heritage Overlay to the Federal Coffee Palace, Yarram, where one objection has been received.

Part 1 will be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for approval, whilst Part 2 will be subject to a review by an independent Planning Panel.  

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley said: “Council felt that splitting the Amendment into two was the best course of action to take. It means that we can proceed with the next steps for Part 1 of the Amendment for 66 places for which no objections were received, whilst dealing separately with Part 2 by appointing an independent Planning Panel to consider the single outstanding objection.”

Further details on Planning Panels can be found at

If you have any queries, please contact Ben Procter or the Strategic Planning Team on 1300 366 244 or email

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