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Great news for the Heyfield Mill workers

The State Government’s announcement that they have reached an agreement to purchase the Heyfield Mill from the Hermal Group is welcome news.
July 3, 2017

After months of uncertainty, the State Government’s announcement that they have reached an agreement to purchase the Heyfield Mill from the Hermal Group is welcome news.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley expressed enormous relief at the news. She says, “This news will be an absolutely welcome relief to the 250 workers and those service industries that will have been affected by the mill’s closure.

“This may not have been the outcome that everybody was expecting from initial discussions in relation to timber supply but it is great to see that the Premier Daniel Andrews has been true to his word to purchase the mill and save the jobs.

“There will undoubtedly be a period of adjustment over the coming months and Council will continue to have discussions and meetings with the Hermal Group and parliamentary representatives.”

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