media releases

Grants available for community groups to keep operating

During this uncertain time, Wellington Shire Council reminds community groups that Quick Response Grants continue to be available to assist not-for-profit groups continue operating where they can.
April 17, 2020

During this uncertain time, Wellington Shire Council reminds community groups that Quick Response Grants continue to be available to assist not-for-profit groups continue operating where they can.

Quick Response Grants are available for amounts up to $2,000 and as the name suggests, provide a quick, two week turn around for funding.

The grants are available all year, have no application fees or closing date and support the delivery of outcomes that have positive impacts on the wider Wellington community.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said it was important that our communities kept “physical” distancing due to COVID-19 regulations, but staying connected to our social networks and communities was important for the wellbeing of the community.

“It is important that our much valued community groups are still able to operate in some capacity during this time, to enable the continuity of social cohesion and provide social connectedness,” he said.

“In recent times we have been pleased to assist the Loch Sport Bowls Club purchase new window shade blinds; the Stratford Town Crier committee purchase a new laptop to continue publishing their monthly newsletter; and, we also assisted the Rosedale Kilmany Cricket Club to pay for important lawnmower repairs.

“We’d love to hear from any community group who has an outstanding project where a Quick Response Grant may assist.

“Council’s Grants Officer is available to discuss the need, assist with the application and it’s important to know that there are no fees involved in applying.”

For assistance, phone the Grants Officer on 1300 366 244.

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