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Gippsland Water seeking land purchase from Wellington Shire

At its meeting on Tuesday 21 March 2017, Wellington Shire Council will consider selling a parcel of land at 4 Park Street Sale, to Gippsland Water.
March 10, 2017

At its meeting on Tuesday 21 March 2017, Wellington Shire Council will consider selling a parcel of land at 4 Park Street Sale, to Gippsland Water.    

Gippsland Water has identified a new sewerage pump station is required in the Sale area to cater for future population growth and meet environmental obligations.  

Council will decide if the identified land is no longer required for Council purposes and whether the sale should proceed to Gippsland Water at the market value.

“This parcel of land is proposed to provide Gippsland Water with safe access to their future sewerage infrastructure to replace the existing pump station, subject to relevant planning approvals being obtained and community consultation being undertaken,” said Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley.

“Council will consider the sale of this parcel of land by following our Policy for the Sale, Exchange and Acquisition of Land, and we will determine if this transaction is in the best interests of the community and Council.”

Gippsland Water General Manager Customer Service and Communications Paul Clark said Gippsland Water is developing a plan to build a new sewerage pump station near the existing pump station to meet the needs of the community now and into the future.

“The new pump station needs to be at least four times bigger than the existing facility and will use state-of-the-art technology. This will help eliminate environmental risks such as overflows and odours. It will improve liveability in the Sale area,” Mr Clark said.

“Most of the infrastructure will be placed underground and Gippsland Water will work with the community to ensure the new facility compliments the local amenity. This will be achieved via a community and stakeholder consultation process.

“This new pump station will cost approximately $10 million to build over two years. It is anticipated 20-30 jobs will be created during construction.  

“The existing pump station in Park Street will eventually be decommissioned and removed,” he said.

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