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Funding approved for Maffra Lawn Tennis improvements

Recently approved funding will allow Maffra Lawn Tennis Club to undertake well overdue works at its Duke Street facilities.
February 1, 2017

Recently approved funding will allow Maffra Lawn Tennis Club to undertake well overdue works at its Duke Street facilities.

Sport and Recreation Victoria recently approved a funding application for $70,000, Wellington Shire Council is contributing $55,000 and Maffra Lawn Tennis Club is also contributing $15,000 thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Club and its members.

The $140,000 funding will now allow the Maffra Lawn Tennis Club to resurface all six of the synthetic courts. This has not been done since the courts were installed in 2000.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley, says: “The new International Tennis Federation approved synthetic surface will not only service the Maffra Lawn Tennis Club’s programs but also the broader community.

“Maffra Hockey Club will also be looking to conduct localised hockey programs on the new synthetic courts.

“Once the project has been completed it will provide the community with access to modern, safe and accessible playing surfaces and will result in increased participation for both Maffra Lawn Tennis and Maffra Hockey Clubs.”

Terry Flynn, Maffra Lawn Tennis Club President, has stated: “We are hopeful the new synthetic surfaces will stimulate more interest in the local junior tennis as well as the local hockey competitions.

“With the new court’s due to be installed prior to the Annual Easter Tennis Tournament in 2018, we are anticipating an increase in entries due to the new courts which is an exciting prospect for the local community”.

Quotations will now be obtained by the Wellington Shire Council for the installation of the new synthetic courts with works due to commence in July 2017 with completion expected by October this year.

Further information on the Maffra Law Tennis Club can be found at or by contacting the Club President Terry Flynn on 0434 607 249.

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