media releases

Erosion at Loch Sport foreshore to be fixed

Council recently met with the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) to discuss the long-standing foreshore erosion issues at Loch Sport.
March 29, 2017

Wellington Shire Council recently met with the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) to discuss the long-standing foreshore erosion issues at Loch Sport.

At the meeting, Council and DELWP discussed the problems at length and both parties agreed on the works that are required to be undertaken to reinstate the foreshore and rocking to prevent future erosion.

DELWP will shortly engage a contractor to undertake foreshore protection works which are planned for completion by the end of June 2017.

The coastline restoration project has been developed in partnership with DELWP and the Loch Sport Foreshore Committee of Management and is a great outcome for the community at Loch Sport. Immediately following completion of the bank stabilisation works Council will re-construct the original asphalt shared path.  

All parties are also investigating opportunities for revegetation works that could be undertaken in conjunction with the planned foreshore works to assist with the stabilisation of the foreshore.

Wellington Shire Council Deputy Mayor Alan Hall, said: “I am delighted to see a resolution to the foreshore erosion problem at Loch Sport. This has been an ongoing issue for residents and visitors to Loch Sport for quite some time. It will be great to see the foreshore being made safe and the shared path reinstated for the enjoyment of the community for many years to come.”

DELWP Regional Manager Land, Planning and Approvals, Carole Macmillan said: “The department remains committed to supporting the work of the Loch Sport Foreshore Committee of Management and working in partnership with both the committee and the Wellington Shire Council to get better outcomes for the community.”

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