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Discover the dimensions of the universe

Explore the universe with an immersive virtual reality event in Sale as part of National Science Week.
August 6, 2019

Explore the universe with an immersive virtual reality event in Sale as part of National Science Week.

Immersive Science III (SciVR): Astronomy for all Australians will allow participants to uncover the dimensions of the universe and astronomy through the lens of a virtual reality headset.

Science gurus Associate Professor Alan Duffy and Dr Rebecca Allen will host the tour by livestream, finishing with a Q&A.

The event will take place at Sale Library on Saturday 17 August from 1.30 to 3.00pm, suitable for children ages 12 and older.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said the program would be an exciting opportunity for the community to get in touch with new and upcoming technologies.

“This is a rare modern experience happening in our fantastic library space at the Port of Sale,” he said.

“Bring the kids, as long as they are ages 12 or over and settle in for an afternoon of exploring space.

“This could inspire some future innovators and scientists across our generations.”

Please arrive promptly to ensure equipment can be set up prior to the livestream. Bookings are essential to secure a VR headset. Bring your fully charged smartphone (sharing in groups is fine). Download the app for free prior to the event at

To book call the Wellington Library 5142 3146 or email

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