media releases

Council to work with Cowwarr community after loss of school

Wellington Shire Council is deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of the Cowwarr Primary School due to fire.
January 31, 2020

Wellington Shire Council is deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of the Cowwarr Primary School due to fire.

Councillors Carolyn Crossley and Malcolm Hole attended the school after the fire yesterday to provide support to the school and wider community.

For the teachers, staff, students and Cowwarr community, this is a terribly traumatic time.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall has written to the Victorian Minister for Education, James Merlino, to express Council’s sadness at the loss of the school and to thank him for his commitment to fast-track the re-build.

“Cowwarr is a vibrant and growing town in our municipality,” Cr Hall said.

“We are heartened to learn that the Minister will fast-track the rebuild of this school, which will go a long way to helping Cowwarr regain its confidence and spirit.

“We understand that like most schools, the additional equipment the school had accumulated over the years has also been lost.

“Council will work with the community to assist in this regard, and we have also asked the Minister to consider assisting with these sorts of items when the time comes to rebuild.”

Council will work with the Department of Education in any way we can to assist the school community to get back on its feet as soon as possible.

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