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Council to ensure Minister hears community concerns

Council will ensure the State Government hears the concerns of the local community in its submission to the Minister for Planning regarding the Alberton wind farm proposal.
October 3, 2018

Wellington Shire Council will ensure the State Government hears the concerns of the local community in its submission to the Minister for Planning regarding the Alberton wind farm proposal.

Council yesterday voted to respond to the Planning Minister with in principle support for the development, however highlighting considerable concerns that would need to be addressed.

These concerns include noise; shadow flicker; proximity to the Yarram Airfield; impacts on Council’s road network; handling of complaints; the need for an Environmental Management Plan; the impact of current electrical infrastructure; and, a plan for decommissioning should the proposal be approved by the State Government.

“While Council is a supporter of green, renewable energy we do not agree that it should come at a cost of reducing the liveability of our communities,” Mayor Cr Crossley said.

“We can’t control the outcome, this decision is clearly in the hands of the State Government, but we can put forward our community’s views and advocate on their behalf.”

Cr Crossley said Council had received correspondence, representations and a petition from many community members living in or close to the proposed site advising that they oppose the wind farm application.

Council will ensure the Minister receives all these objections, along with Council’s own submission.

An important outcome from the Council meeting was that Council would seek the Minister for Planning’s assurance that in the absence of a formal Environmental Effects Statement being required by the State Government, all specific concerns raised in submissions by community members be thoroughly investigated and detailed responses provided.

Further, that Council would also provide a copy of all submissions it has received to the local Member of Parliament, Danny O’Brien MP.

Council’s draft response to the Minister is available in the Council Meeting Agenda (2 October 2018).

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