media releases

Council services altered during Stage 3 pandemic restrictions

In line with State Government Covid-19 Stage 3 pandemic requirements, many of Wellington Shire Council’s facilities are now closed to the public.
August 6, 2020

In line with State Government Covid-19 Stage 3 pandemic requirements, many of Wellington Shire Council’s facilities are now closed to the public.

Stage 3 restrictions mean there are only four (4) reasons for people to leave their homes:

  • To shop for food, essential goods or services
  • To provide care, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
  • To exercise or for outdoor recreation with your household, or one other person
  • For work or study, if you cannot do it from home

For this reason, the following Council facilities are now closed:

  • Face-to-face interaction at Customer Service Centres in Sale and Yarram (services still available over the phone and online)
  • Aqua Energy
  • The Port of Sale
  • The Wedge Performing Arts Centre
  • Gippsland Regional Sports Complex
  • Libraries in Sale, Heyfield, Stratford, Rosedale, Yarram and Maffra
  • Playgrounds and skate parks
  • Council owned caravan and RV parks

Public spaces such as parks, gardens and streets will be maintained and public toilets will remain open.

While the libraries will be closed, the Click and Deliver service will resume tomorrow.

For further information about Council services during the Stage 3 restrictions, visit or contact the customer service team on 1300 366 244.

For those who need assistance during the pandemic, the Wellington Shire Covid Relief Information Line is also operational and can be contacted on 1300 137 218 Monday to Friday, 9am-4.30pm.

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