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Council seeking assurances on job security at Heyfield Mill

Council is now seeking assurances from the government that none of the 250 jobs will be lost, following the State Government's announcement to purchase the Heyfield mill.
July 3, 2017

Although the announcement by the State Government that they have reached an agreement with the owners to purchase the mill is welcome news, Wellington Shire Council is now seeking assurances from the government that none of the 250 jobs will be lost.

Wellington Shire Mayor Carolyn Crossley said that Council will be looking to the government to confirm that all of the 250 jobs at the mill will be safe after the purchase.

She says, “Although the Hermal Group and the State Government have agreed ‘in principle’ the sale of the mill, Council would like to alleviate any concerns and ensure that the jobs will be saved and we want to hear that reassurance from the government first hand.”

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