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Council Pledges to Tackle Climate Change

Council has signed up to the Victorian Government’s TAKE2 pledge to tackle climate change and assist Victoria reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
July 26, 2017

Wellington Shire Council has signed up to the Victorian Government’s TAKE2 pledge to tackle climate change and assist Victoria reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Council has pledged to provide leadership to the Wellington Shire community to help manage climate change and move towards environmental sustainability. Council wants to take action and support local action by living and working mindfully, using resources wisely and reducing our impact on the environment.

The community is already aware that we are experiencing higher temperatures, longer fire seasons and extreme weather events. These are signals that we need to act now.

Council has committed to undertaking 30 TAKE2 actions in the areas of Natural and Urban Environment, Culture and Leadership, Community, Transport and Fleet, Waste, Renewable Energy, Strategic and Statutory Planning, and Energy Efficiency. The action plan has commenced and a full list is available at

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley is fully supportive of signing up to the TAKE2 pledge. She says, “Climate change is a very important and serious issue for each and every one of us, and it is important for members of the Wellington Shire community to see Council taking action on this matter.

“We already assist in a variety of ways such as the installation of solar panels on a number of Council-owned buildings, waste management initiatives, LED street lighting, low-emission vehicles, implementing our urban forests strategy and provide educational information sessions on renewable energy. There is much more that we are doing and can do in the future, and that is why we have committed to the TAKE2 pledge.

“We invite the community to join Council in meeting these challenges together.”

Delivered by Sustainability Victoria, TAKE2 is the state’s collective climate change program supporting individuals, government, business and other organisations to help Victoria achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

For further information visit or contact Council’s Sustainability Project Officer on 1300 366 244.

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